US House Voting by Representative To Gut ADA Alabama Through Montana

Voting for Anti-ADA Bill

ADA Education and Reform Bill

ALABAMA (6 Aye---1 Nay) Votes Nay (14.3%)
AYE VOTES Bradley Byrne (R-1st), Martha Roby (R-2nd), Mike Rogers (R-3rd), Robert Aderholt (R-4th), Mo Brooks (R-5th), Gary Palmer (R-6th), 
NAY VOTES   Terri Sewell (D-7th)

ALASKA(1 Nay) Votes Nay (100%)
NAY VOTE  Don Young (R)

ARIZONA(4 Aye---4 Nay)Votes Nay---(50.0%)
AYE VOTES Martha McSally (R-2nd), Paul Gosar (R-4th), Andy Biggs (R-5th), David Schweikert (R-6th)
NAY VOTES Tom O'Halleran (D-1st), Raul Grijalva (D-3rd), Ruben Galiego (D-7th), Kysten Sinema(D-9th)

ARKANSAS (4 Aye) Nay Votes (0.0%)
AYE VOTES Eric Crawford (R-1st), French Hill (R-2nd), Steve Womack(R-3rd) Bruce Westerman(R-4th)

CALIFORNIA(19 Aye---31 Nay---2 Abstain) Votes Nay---59.5%
AYE VOTES Doug LaMalfa (R-1st) Tom McClintock(R-4th), Ami Bera(D-7th), Paul Cook(R-8th), Jeff Denham(R-10th), Jackie Speier(D-14th), David Valadao(R-21st), Deven Nunes(R-22nd), Kevin McCarthy(R-23rd), Steve Knight(R-25th), Pete Aguitar(D-31st), Norma Torres(D-35th), Ed Royce(R-39th), Ken Calvert(R-42nd), Mimi Walters(R-45th), Luis Correa(D-49th), Dana Rohrabacher(R-48th), Darrell Issa(R-49th), Scott Peters(D-52nd)
NAY VOTES   Jared Huffman(D-2nd), John Garamendt(D-3rd), Mike Thompson(D-5th), Doris Matsui(D-6th), Jerry McNerney(D-9th), Mark DeSaunier(D-11th), Nancy Pelosi(D-12th), Barbara Lee(D-13th), Eric Swalwell(D-15th), Ro Khanna(D-17th), Anna Eshoo(D-18th), Zoe Lofgren(D-19th), Jimmy Panetta(D-29th), Salud Carbajal(D-24th), Julia Brownley(D-26th), Judy Chu(D-27th), Adam Schiff(D-28th), Tony Cardenas(D-29th), Brad Sherman(D-30th), Grace Napolitano(D-32nd), Ted Lieu(D-33rd), Jimmy Gomez(D-34th), Raul Rutz(D-36th), Linda Sanchez(D-38th), Lucille Roybal(D-40th), Mark Tacano(D-41st), Maxine Waters(D-43rd), Nannett Barragan(D-44th), Alan Lowenthal(D-47th), Juan Vargas(D-51st), Susan Davis(D-53rd)
ABSTAINED Jim Costa (D-16th), Karen Bass(D-37th) 

COLORADO (4 Aye---3 Nay)Nay Votes---(42.8%) 
AYE VOTES Scott Tipton(R-3rd), Ken Buck(R-4th), Doug Lamborn(R-5th), Mike Coffman(R-6th)
NAY VOTES  Diana DeGette(D-1st), Jared Polis(D-2nd), Ed Perlmutler(D-7th)

CONNECTICUT (4 Nay---1 Abstain) Nay Votes---(80%)
NAY VOTES John Larson (D-1st), Rosa DeLaura(D-3rd), James Hames (D-4th), Elizabeth Esty(D-5th)
ABSTAIN :  Joe Courtney(D-2nd)

DELEWARE(1 Nay Vote) Nay Votes --- (100%)
NAY VOTES:  Lisa Blunt

FLORIDA(15 Aye---10 Nay---2 Abstain)Nay Votes (37.0%)
AYE VOTES Matt Gaetz(R-1st), Neal Dunn(R-2nd), Ted Yoho(R-3rd), John Rutherford(R-4th), Ron DeSantis(R-6th), Bill Posey(R-8th), Daniel Webster(R-11th), Gus Bilrakis(R-12th), Dennis Ross(R-15th), Vern Buchanan(R-16th), Thomas Rooney(R-17th), Brian Mast(R-18th), Francis Rooney(R-19th), Carlos Curbelo(R-26th), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-27th)
NAY VOTES Al Lawson(D-5th), Stephanie Murphy(D-7th), Darren Soto(D-9th), Val Demings(D-10th), Charlie Crust*D-13th), Kathy Castor(D-14th), Alcee Hastings(D-20th), Lois Frankel(D-21st), Frederica Wilson(D-24th), Mario Diaz-Balart(R-25th)
ABSTAIN:  Theadore Deutch(D-22nd), Debbie Wasserman-Schultz(D-23rd)

GEORGIA(10 Aye--3 Nay--1 Abstain) Nay Votes (21.4%)
AYE VOTES  Buddy Carter(R-1st), Drew Ferguson(R-3rd), Karen Handel(R-6th), Rob Woodall(R-7th), Austin Scott (R-8th), Doug Collins(R-9th), Jody Hice(R-10th), Barry Loudermilk(R-11th), Rick Allen(R-12th), Tom Graves(R-14th)
NAY VOTES Hank Johnson(D-4th), John Lewis(D-5th), Daniel Scott(D-13th
ABSTAIN:Sanford Bishop(D-2nd)

HAWAII (2 Nay) Nay Votes (100.0%)
NAY VOTES:  Colleen Hanabusa(D-1st), Tulsi Gabbard(D-2nd)

IDAHO (2 Aye) Nay Votes (0.0%)
AYE VOTES:  Raul Labrador (R-1st), Mike Simpson(R-2nd)

ILLINOIS (7 Aye--9 Nay--1 Abstain) Nay Votes (52.9%)
AYE VOTES Bill Foster (D-11th), Mike Bost(R-12th), Rodney Davis(R-13th), Randy Hultgren(R-14th), John Shimkus(R-15th), Adam Kinzinger(R-16th)Darin LaHood(R-18th)
NAY VOTES Bobby Rush(D-1st), Robin Kelly(D-2nd), Daniel Lipinski(D-3rd), Mike Quigley(D-5th), Peter Roskam(R-6th),Danny Davis(D-7th), Raja Krisnamoorthi(D-8th), Jan Schakowsky(D-9th), Bradley Schneider(D-10th)
ABSTAIN:  Luis Gutierrez(D-4th)

INDIANA (7 Aye -- 2 Nay) Nay Votes (22.2%)
AYE VOTES Jackie Walorski(R-2nd), Jim Banks (R-3rd), Todd Rokita(R-4th),Susan Brooks(R-5th), Luke Messer(R-6th), Larry Bucshon(R-8th), Trey Hollingsworth (R-9th)
NAY VOTES:  Peter Visclosky(D-1st), Andre Carson(D-7th)

IOWA (2 Aye -- 2 Nay) Nay Votes (50.0%)
AYE VOTES:  Rod Blum,(R-1st), Steve King(R-4th)
NAY VOTES:  David Loebsack(D-2nd), David Young(R-3rd)

KANSAS (3 Aye -- 1 Nay) Nay Votes (25.0%)
AYE VOTES:  Roger Marshall(R-1st), Lynn Jenkins(R-2nd), Ron Estes(R-4th)
NAY VOTES:  Kevein Yoder(R-3rd)

KENTUCKY (4 Aye --- 1 Nay-- 1 Abstain) Nay Votes (16.5%)
AYE VOTES:  James Comer(R-1st), Brett Guthrie(R-2nd), Thomas Massie(R(4th), Andy Barr(R-6th)
NAY VOTES:  John Yarmuth(D-3rd)
ABSTAIN:  Hal Rogers(R-5th)

LOUISIANA (5 Aye -- 1 Nay) Nay Votes (16.5%)
AYE VOTES:  Steve Scalise(R-1st), Clay Higgins(R-3rd), Mike Johnson(R-4th), Ralph Abraham(R-5th), Garret Graves(R-6th)
NAY VOTES:  Cedric Richmond(D-2nd)

MAINE  (1 Aye -- 1 Nay) Nay Votes (50%)
AYE VOTES:  Bruce Poliquin(R-2nd)
NAY VOTES:  Chellie Pingree(D-1st)

MARYLAND (1 Aye --6 Nay -- 1 Abstain) Nay Votes (75%)
AYE VOTES:  Andy Harris(R-1st)
NAY VOTES:  Dutch Ruppersburger(D-2nd), John Sarbanes(D-3rd), Andrew Brown(D-4th), Steny Hoyer(D-5th), John Delaney(D-6th), James Raskin((D-8th)
ABSTAIN:  Elijah Cummings(D-7th)

MASSACHUSETTS (9 Nay) Nay Votes (100.0%)
NAY VOTES:  Richard Neal(D-1st), Jim McGovern (D-2nd), Niki Tsongas(D-3rd), Joseph Kennedy (D-4th), Katherine Clark (D-5th), Seth Mouton (D-6th), Michael Capuano (D-7th), Stephen Lynch (D-8th), William Deating (D-9th)

MICHIGAN (9 Aye -- 4 Nay) Nay Votes (30.8%)
AYE VOTES:  Jack Bergman(R-1st), Bill Hulzenga (R-2nd), Justin Amash (R-3rd), John Moolenaar(R-4th), Fred Upton (R-6th), Tom Walberg (R-7th), Mike Bishop (D-8th), Paul Mitchell(R-10th), Dave Trott(R-11th)
NAY VOTES:  Daniel Kildee(D-5th), Sander Levin(D-9th) Debbie Dingell(D-12th), Brenda Lawrence (D-14th)

MINNESOTA (4 Aye -- 4 Nay) Nay Votes (50%)
AYE VOTES:  Jason Lewis(R-2nd), Erik Paulsen(R-3rd), Tom Emmer (R-6th), Collin Peterson(D-7th)
NAY VOTES:  Timothy Watz(D-1st), Betty McCollum (D-4th), Keith Ellison (D-5th), Richard Nolan(D-8th)

MISSISSIPPI (2 Aye -- 2 Nay) Nay Votes (50.0%)
AYE VOTES:  Trent Kelly(R-1st), Steven Palazzo(R-4th)
NAY VOTES:  Bennie Thompson(D-2nd), Gregg Harper(R-3rd)

MISSOURI (8 Aye -- 2 Nay) Nay Votes (20.0%)
AYE VOTES:  Ann Wagner(R-2nd), Blaine Luelkemeyer(R-3rd), Vicky Hartzler(R-4th), Sam Graves(R-6th), Billy Long(R-7th), Jason Smith(R-8th)
NAY VOTES:  Lacy Clay(D-1st), Emmanuel Cleaver(D-5th)

MONTANA (1 Aye) Nay Votes (0.00%)
AYE VOTES:  Greg Grandforte (R)

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