Sunday, February 18, 2018

Advocacy_Of_The_Disabled: Is The US Becoming Nazi Germany for the Disabled?

Advocacy_Of_The_Disabled: Is The US Becoming Nazi Germany for the Disabled?: ARE WE BECOMING NAZI GERMANY? We are on that path.  Are you going to allow it? Contained in the blog is a brief history of Nazi Germany's treatment of the disabled and the path they followed which eventually led to the extermination of 250,000 disabled persons.  This is a seldom covered issue but extremely important.  The disabled are usually the first to be killed in large numbers by extremist and especially fascist governments.  Also included in the blog is a brief history of US Eugenics that resulted in the sterilization of hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities, immigrants, people of color, the mentally ill, the poor, unmarried mothers and more. Take a look at the path the US is on and how similar it is to the path taken in Nazi Germany.

Then ask yourself, 'Have We Become Nazi Germany When it Comes to the Disabled?'

Please read and share

Go HERE for the full article

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